Ontario Provincial Nominee Program

Processing your resident visa through the Provincial Nominee Program involves two different processes: One with the provincial government, and another with the federal government.  We have a wealth of experience dealing with the provincial nominees program.

You are protected; we are Canadian Lawyer and Regulated Consultant Immigration Canada, members of ICCRC (Immigration Consultant Of Canada Regulatory Counsel)

The Ontario Provincial Nominee program may be a pathway to permanent resident status for foreign workers and international students. However, it is important to understand that in most instances this program is employer-driven.  That means you can only apply if you have a permanent full-time job offer, your employer is pre-screened and the position is approved by Opportunities Ontario.


Who can apply?


a) You have a permanent, full-time job offer from an Ontario employer in a skilled occupation                   (NOC 0, A, B)

b) The only exception to the requirement of having a permanent full-time job offer are international students who are graduates of a PhD or Masters program from one of Ontario’s publicly funded universities.


For more information contact us here.

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